The Catacombs of Utopolis rise from the depths again!
This time it will be a soli event in support of the 161ohm crew (https://instagram.com/161ohm) and Bewegungsmelder Aachen (https://bewegungsmelder-aachen.de).
For this event we get musical support from Nullmeridian, a queer DJ from Cologne. She loves digging for unknown gems, eternal classics and fresh releases to play with the endless possibilities of combining her favorite genres and tracks. Although she doesn’t limit herself to a certain style and is passionate about a wide range of genres, her DJ sets mostly consist of Footwork, Juke, Ghettotech, Electro, Breaks, Jungle, UK Garage, UK Bass, IDM and everything in between.
We will also be accompanied through the night by the DJ duo Ceață. They are part of the new Φ collective, which has also teamed up with Catacombs host Zetaka. They select some treasures from their collection of different styles of techno and electronic music to extend the varied sound palette throughout the night.
If you have the possibility to, please test yourself for COVID beforehand and stay home and take care of yourself if you are sick.
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Deep down, buried far below the surface of the earth, you can find the ancient Catacombs of Utopolis.
Once a thriving paradise of community and emancipatory standards, Utopolis had been long forgotten. It was a place without discrimination, oppression or restrictive standards imposed by society. Instead the Utopians respected and took care of each other.
In the catacombs, which were often used as a gathering place for celebration, the inhabitants of Utopolis danced themselves into hypnotic states, transcending space and time, feeling reborn afterwards.
Prepare for the next occasion when the gates of the catacombs will be reopened for a limited time…
Deep down, buried far below the surface of the earth, you can find the ancient Catacombs of Utopolis.
Once a thriving paradise of community and emancipatory standards, Utopolis had been long forgotten. It was a place without discrimination, oppression or restrictive standards imposed by society. Instead the Utopians respected and took care of each other.
In the catacombs, which were often used as a gathering place for celebration, the inhabitants of Utopolis danced themselves into hypnotic states, transcending space and time, feeling reborn afterwards.
Prepare for the next occasion when the gates of the catacombs will be reopened for a limited time…
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Party & Politics [english version below]
Party & Politics [english version below]
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Wir legen Wert auf ein angenehmes Miteinander, bei dem es möglich ist, frei von Diskriminierung, Mackergehabe, übergriffigem Verhalten und sexistischen Anmachen feiern zu können. Wir haben keine Lust auf Menschen, die kein „Nein“ akzeptieren können, oder sich so verhalten, dass sich andere Gäste bedrängt fühlen. Achte auf dich und andere, sodass alle eine schöne Nacht haben können. Wenn du dich einmal unwohl fühlen solltest, sprich einfach Menschen vom AZ oder unser Care Point-Team an, welches an den roten Blinkeherzen erkennbar ist.
Wir legen Wert auf ein angenehmes Miteinander, bei dem es möglich ist, frei von Diskriminierung, Mackergehabe, übergriffigem Verhalten und sexistischen Anmachen feiern zu können. Wir haben keine Lust auf Menschen, die kein „Nein“ akzeptieren können, oder sich so verhalten, dass sich andere Gäste bedrängt fühlen. Achte auf dich und andere, sodass alle eine schöne Nacht haben können. Wenn du dich einmal unwohl fühlen solltest, sprich einfach Menschen vom AZ oder unser Care Point-Team an, welches an den roten Blinkeherzen erkennbar ist.
We place value on a pleasant togetherness free from any kind of discrimination, assaults or sexist and macho behavior. We don’t want to celebrate with people that don’t understand and accept another person’s „no“ and make people feel uncomfortable with their behavior. Pay attention to yourself and others, so everyone can have a great night. If you ever feel uncomfortable, just talk to people from AZ or our Care Point team, which is recognizable by their red heart lights.
We place value on a pleasant togetherness free from any kind of discrimination, assaults or sexist and macho behavior. We don’t want to celebrate with people that don’t understand and accept another person’s „no“ and make people feel uncomfortable with their behavior. Pay attention to yourself and others, so everyone can have a great night. If you ever feel uncomfortable, just talk to people from AZ or our Care Point team, which is recognizable by their red heart lights.
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Please respect the no photo policy!
We don’t want any phones on the dancefloor, which kill the vibe.
We don’t want any phones on the dancefloor, which kill the vibe.
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Scheduled Partys