– Ştiu Nu Ştiu – Beauty and ugliness need to co-exist. Melodies need to be destroyed by distorted mayhem. Melodies need noise, and noise needs to give way to structure and focus. Știu Nu Știu is an ever evolving underground musical beast that lives somewhere between Metal, Noise Rock, Goth, Punk, Pre- and Posteverything. They have played at Roskilde and been nominated for Swedish music prize P3 Guld, people cry at their packed, brutal, chaotic and beautiful live shows, and yet they’re a hidden gem ready to be picked up by you. https://stiunustiu.bandcamp.com/
– Forum Calico –
Post/Psych/Prog Rock from Aachen. https://forumcalico.bandcamp.com/ https://forum-calico.de/ Einlass: 19:00 Uhr // Beginn: 20:00 Uhr