Scatterwound [drone]
Scatterwound is the shared project of experimental musicians Dirk Serries und
Hellmut Neidhardt known as N.
Like a rising droning sound, something that starts inaudibly but builds and
builds and builds until it’s all you can hear, Scatterwound were, well,
scattered for a while, waiting for the universe to be ready for its pieces to
finally fall into place. Known experimentalist Dirk Serries and Hellmut
Neidhardt, aka N, had this collaboration idea floating around in the ether for,
rumour has it, almost a decade.
And that it only came properly to fruition once they heard a forgotten recording
done at a soundcheck while searching for something else. Somehow, it makes
perfect sense that it should be like this – more than music, even ambient,
abstract music as it is, Scatterwound is an idea, an ephemeral meeting of
travelling minds, blinking in and out of existence, consuming you briefly and
then drifting away into another dimension before coming back again.
After multiple festival appearances such at Roadburn and Midira Records‘ Moving
Noises Festival they will now play the AZ Aachen to let their sounds scatter,
deflect, and resonate on the heavy concrete walls of the old bunker.
noise monolith [ambient]
noise monolith is the Aachen based noise and ambient project of Fabian
Unterstell. He is set out to explore the vast fields between experimental music
and sound art. This will be his first ambient set as a duo with viola player
Louisa. It will be an exploration of both the soundscapes from his album
„studies of silence“ and a journey through new structures of sound.
Nïsti [doom, sludge, noise]
The newcomers Nïsti play a heavy blend of doom and sludge. Feel the crushing
burden of existence permeate through their sound while they still hold onto hope
and beauty.
No hate – no nazis – no sexism – no homophobia – no racism – no discrimination